Saturday, September 13, 2008

School rules are meant to be broken-only those who break them would survive after all :)

I've figured out a new way to express my dissatisfaction! Try understand me if you can! Buah kakaka!

Yi ka, ngo dei ke PM yiu pei ge kok ka zhi to hui yao lik liong, so yi hui yong ISA lei pik 3 ko yan yap kam. FINE. This isn't working.

Oh come on! The candlelight vigil is perhaps the most peaceful form of protest! You didn't have to disperse them in 12 minutes! I'm beginning to wonder..hmmm..who could the mastermind be?

Let's say, erm..the discipline teacher conspires with the frequent rule-breaker at school to put some of his disliked students in detention. And let's say these goody-two-shoes are naive, idealistic creatures who would never expect such connivances.

Mr. Abdul, the discipline teacher promises Amat, the notorious student to exclude him from all punishments for his previous offences just so that he'd assist Abdul in achieving his ultimate goal. And so this is the plan: Amat is to claim that he smoked discreetly at 10.30a.m. earlier. Ah Lian, the ever-nosy school magazine editor reports that Amat admitted to smoking at 10.30 on a Monday morning (That day was a Monday mind you). Coincidentally, Abdul secretly despises Ah Lian for her somewhat veracious nature. Amat was then absent from school for a period of time and returned reprimanding Ah Lian for tarnishing his image, also demanding for an apology. He claims that the word 'earlier' in his statement referred to the day before, a Sunday which wasn't a schooling day. So, it was World War III between Amat's loyal 'konco-konco' and Ah Lian's eye-witnesses and supporters.

The school's renowned 'rant and rave' guy, ManMan could not hold back and spilt everything onto his blog. Abdul who regards freedom of speech with utmost disdain saw his opportunity coming. To appear rather just, he suspends Amat from school for the next few years; the students were generally glad (well, of course except for Amat's konco's). But next, he abuses his veto power and 'imprisons' Ah Lian and ManMan with the excuse of securing peace and tranquility at school. Apparently, they were creating too much hoohah and their schoolmates were beginning to lose focus on their studies.

For some reason or another, Abdul still wasn't satisfied. He was still..threatened by the more competent and charismatic Ah Wah. So, he decides to deter Ah Wah from even hoping for his position by capturing his compatriot, Cuckoo. Don't ask me about Cuckoo's abrupt introduction into this story. I do medicine, all I do is regurgitate.

Abdul, too pressured by all the vituperations decided to release Ah Lian. But poor poor ManMan and Cuckoo's condition are still unknown. And now, Cuckoo's gone! The plot deepens! Hehe! But how much longer will it take before sudden death takes place?

So, you tell me. As the chess piece, should Amat bear all the burden or should Abdul be responsible for this crackdown? Or worse, perhaps the fact that Abdul's predecessor allowed the breeding of Amat's species and even catalysed it should be taken into consideration?

If this case took place a decade ago, perhaps the students wouldn't bother that much. Ignorance is bliss. They wouldn't bother simply because they didn't understand the concept of collectivism. They didn't simply because Abdul's predecessor wouldn't elucidate them on this 'right' they were awarded with since birth. So, even if dozens of Ah Lians and ManMans were arrested, the students wouldn't be infuriated. But things have changed, and Abdul wouldn't have it the easy way.

The students wouldn't like Abdul's dictator ways. And Abdul would be shelled. His plans would only backfire and it'd only pave a clearer and easier path towards victory for Ah Wah. Abdul's initial plan to warn students that he doesn't favour himself being criticised would only be an action of positive feedback. The students know what they can and cannot do, and they have the backing of clubs and societies.

But is that enough? The students are still no match for the entire troop of Abdul's Kadet Remaja Polis or Kadet Bersatu. They can't use guns. When they opt candles, Kadet Remaja chooses guns. Tell me, who'd dare face gunpowder? We don't find many Master Jirans of Qixia Temple 1937.

Remember, at school, rules and regulations are meant to be broken. Facts are meant to be distorted. Ah Lian was detained to protect her from Amat's koncos. Cuckoo, for reasons proven to be untrue. Things just work otherwise at school here. If nobody sorts out these distortions, I'm afraid this school may be closed down soon.


Chin said...

Cantonese hard to understand. Metaphor is better,
Chinese is best but you cant write it , Ops.

anyway today is Ah wah prediction day, either he make it or loose his reputation and voters faith, which will be dangerous for his political career

The Bloody Stethoscope said...
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The Bloody Stethoscope said...

Why isn't the headmaster commenting a word on the situation in school? It seemed that the only sign boards in school is saying "as a good student, we must listen to the teachers' words and study well" and signed by the headmaster. But are these boards helping the situation AT ALL?

Veritas said...

The headmaster chooses to remain impartial. Headmasters rarely are hands-on people are they? Their responsibility is simply to look pretty and present a positive image of the school to the district or country at meetings.

Think through the analogy again. The headmaster is in the dark regarding Abdul and Amat's complot. Even if they are aware, they'd choose ignorance anytime over action. Let's just wait and see what the 'apparently' righteous Ah Wah does.

For now, let's pray that ManMan and Cuckoo are in good health and get their way through theirhabeas corpus